NEXT Galaxy Media

Social Media
Marketing Malaysia

Building highly engaging content to boost your brand's awareness on social media platforms

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Social Media Agency Malaysia

As a social media agency Malaysia comprising of a team of ambitious professionals, we strive to offer the best social media marketing Malaysia services and help grow your brand into a well-known business in your industry.

Social Media Management

Don’t have the time to manage your own social media accounts? Leave it to us! Content creation is in our blood. We will manage all your social media platforms from A to Z so you can focus on other aspects of the business. 

Our social media management services include:

  • Content planning & uploading
  • Copywriting
  • Content creation 
  • Community management

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising consists of advertising your brand on social media platforms. We help you to run effective social media advertising campaigns to drive sales, brand awareness or traffic to your business – depending on your goals. 


Social media marketing Malaysia is all about promoting your business using social media channels through organic and paid strategies. 

We need time to research, plan and strategize your social media strategy before we get started on the campaign. Hence, we would schedule a brief consultation to understand your business.

As a business owner, you probably have too much on your plate. If you hire a social media agency Malaysia, a team of professionals would be able to ease your burden and handle all of these tasks for you. With their expertise, your business will receive better brand visibility while positioning it as an authority in your industry.

You may contact +60 11-1017 1962 or send your enquiry to and we will be in touch with you shortly with a FREE quote. 

Effective Social Media Marketing Malaysia Services

Get started on your social media marketing Malaysia campaign with us at +60 11-1017 1962 or send your enquiry to for a FREE quote today!

“Rehub is passionate about creating great products through creative communications.”

Kenett Ryann

Executive director

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NEXT Galaxy Media